The UI components in Flexible Classroom can be divided into three types: function components, business components, and scenario components.
Function components are the most basic UI components in Flexible Classroom and are not bound to any business logic. A function component maintains the internal state and logic of a function, such as Button
, Modal
, Select
, or Tree
You can find all the function components in the agora-scenario-ui-kit
folder, and the technology used is react
, ts
, and storybook
. A folder for a function component usually contains the following files:
: Implements the functionality of the component..css
: Implements the style of the component..stories.tsx
: Enables previewing and debugging the component in Storybook. Developers can run the project through the yarn dev:ui-kit
or npm run dev:ui-kit
command and preview the function components in Storybook.The following table lists the function components used in Flexible Classroom:
Folder | Function components |
/affix |
The affix component is commonly used for pinning page elements to the visible range. |
/biz-header |
The component for the navigation bar at the top of the classroom. |
/button |
The button component. |
/calendar |
The calendar component. |
/card |
The card component. |
/chat-new |
The chat component. |
/checkbox |
The checkbox component. |
/countdown |
The countdown component. |
/date-picker |
The date picker component. |
/home-about |
The component for the about page. |
/icon |
The iconfont component. |
/input |
The input box. |
/layout |
The layout component helps with the overall layout of a web page. |
/loading |
The loading component provides the state of joining a classroom or uploading a file. |
/modal |
The modal dialog box is used for user interaction that does not interrupt the current operation. |
/pagination |
The pagination component is used for displaying long lists. It loads only one page of the data. |
/placeholder |
The placeholder for videos or files. |
/popover |
The pop-up box is used to display more content when the mouse clicks or moves in. |
/progress |
The progress bar displays the current progress of an operation flow. |
/radio |
The radio buttons allow users to select one option from a set. |
/root-box |
The root container wraps page elements. |
/roster |
The roster is used to display the student list and allows teachers to invite students to address the class, send rewards to students, or kick students out of the classroom. |
/select |
The drop-down menu. |
/slider |
The slider component displays the current value and value range. |
/sound-player |
The component for playing audio files. |
/svg-img |
SVG images. |
/table |
The table displays rows of data. |
/tabs |
The component for switching tabs. |
/toast |
The component for global prompts. |
/toolbar |
The toolbar displays the teaching tools of teachers and students. |
/tooltip |
The pop-up box for simple text tips. |
/tree |
The tree component is used to show tree-structured data. |
/video-player |
The component for playing video files. |
/volume |
The component for displaying the volume. |
Business components are the UI components bound to business logic in Flexible Classroom. Most of the business components are composed of multiple function components. Depending on the observable objects and functions from the UI Store, the UI of business components can be automatically changed as the data updates. Taking the hand-raising feature as an example, this business component provides a button for users to raise their hands and ask for permission to speak, and then displays the list of users who have raised their hands.
You can find the business components in packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/ui-kit/capabilities/containers
The following table lists the business components used in Flexible Classroom:
Folder | Business components |
/award |
The reward component implements the business of teachers issuing rewards to students. |
/big-widget-window |
The component for the big window of widgets. |
/board |
The whiteboard component implements whiteboard-related businesses, including setting the height and ratio of the whiteboard. |
/cloud-driver |
The cloud drive component implements businesses such as uploading or deletig files. |
/device-setting |
The component for device settings, such as displaying the list of cameras, microphones, and speakers. |
/dialog |
Pop-up windows during the class. |
/extension-app-container |
The extApp container for plug-ins. |
/hand-up |
The component for the hand-raising feature. |
/loading |
The loading component. |
/nav |
The navigation component for businesses such as displaying the network status and class status. |
/pretest |
The component for the device test before joining the classroom. |
/root-box |
The root container. |
/roster |
The roster component implements businesses such as checking the student information, processing requests for going onto the stage, and issuing rewards. |
/scene-switch |
The component for switching between scenes. |
/scenes-controller |
The component for controlling whiteboard scenes, such as adding or deleting whiteboard pages. |
/screen-share |
The component for the screen sharing feature. |
/stream |
The component for rendering audio and video streams. |
/toast |
The toast component. |
/toolbar |
The toolbar for the teaching tools of the teachers and students. |
/widget |
The widget component. |
A scenario component arranges the layout of business components in a specific scenario. Flexible Classroom provides three preset scenarios: One-to-one Classroom, Small Classroom, and Lecture Hall. You can find the scenario components in packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/ui-kit/capabilities/scenarios
. If you want to change the layout of one of the above scenarios, just edit the corresponding scenario code.
Folder | Scenario components |
/1v1 |
The component for One-to-one Online Classroom |
/big-class |
The component for Lecture Hall |
/big-class-h5 |
The component for Lecture Hall in H5 |
/mid-class |
The component for Small Classroom |
To add a new function component and use it in Flexible Classroom, follow these steps:
directory for the new function component that you want to add. This folder should contain the following three files:index.tsx
: Implements the functionality of the UI component.index.css
: Implements the style of the UI component.index.stories.tsx
: Enables previewing and debugging the UI component in Storybook.packages/agora-scenario-ui-kit/src/components/index.ts
. Then you can import this component in your project.The following example shows how to add a function component agora-demo
// index.css
.agora-demo {
color: red
// index.tsx
import React from 'react'
import './index.css'
export const AgoraDemo = () => {
return (
<div className="agora-demo">AgoraDemo</div>
// index.stories.tsx
import React from 'react';
import { Meta } from '@storybook/react';
import { AgoraDemo } from './index';
const meta: Meta = {
title: 'Components/AgoraDemo',
component: AgoraDemo,
export default meta;
export const Docs = () => (
<AgoraDemo />
You can see this function component in Storybook, as follows:
You can see this function component in Storybook, as follows:
If you want to change the function and style of an existing function component, just find the folder of this component and edit the code to suit your needs. Below are several examples for your reference.
The following example shows how to change the background color of the navigation bar component (BizHeader) from white to red by editing the /packages/agora-scenario-ui-kit/src/components/biz-header/index.css
.biz-header {
@apply bg-white;
padding: 0 15px 0 8px;
border-top: 0px;
border: 1px solid #ececf1;
.biz-header {
background: red !important;
padding: 0 15px 0 8px;
border-top: 0px;
border: 1px solid #ececf1;
To change the color of the placeholder in the input component, edit the packages/agora-scenario-ui-kit/src/components/input/index.css
.input-wrapper input::-webkit-input-placeholder {
/* WebKit browsers */
color: #7b88a0;
font-size: 14px;
.input-wrapper input::-webkit-input-placeholder {
/* WebKit browsers */
color: skyblue;
font-size: 14px;
To add a new function component and use it in Flexible Classroom, create a folder in packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/ui-kit/capabilities/containers
. The folder should contain the following files:
: Combines function components and implements the business logic.index.css
: Implements the style of the business component.After adding the business component, you can directly import this business component and run the project to see how it looks like in Flexible Classroom.
The following example shows how to add a business component that displays the class and network status:
// index.css
.agora-demo {
width: 50%;
height: 50%;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
margin: auto;
border: 1px solid black;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
z-index: 99999999;
.agora-demo-title {
color: red;
// index.tsx
import { useStore } from '@/infra/hooks/use-edu-stores';
import React from 'react'
import './index.css'
export default function AgoraDemo() {
const { navigationBarUIStore } = useStore();
const { classStatusText, networkQualityLabel, delay, packetLoss } = navigationBarUIStore;
return (
<div className="agora-demo">
<h1 className="agora-demo-title">This is our new business component.</h1>
<h2>This component is used to display the network status and class status.</h2>
<div>Network Status: {networkQualityLabel} Network Delay: {delay} Packet Loss Rate: {packetLoss}</div>
<div>Class Status: {classStatusText}</div>
// packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/ui-kit/capabilities/scenarios/mid-class/index.tsx
// Import this component in the Small Classroom scenario
import { Aside, Layout } from '~components/layout';
import { observer } from 'mobx-react';
import classnames from 'classnames';
import { NavigationBarContainer } from '~containers/nav';
import { DialogContainer } from '~containers/dialog';
import { LoadingContainer } from '~containers/loading';
import Room from '../room';
import { RoomMidStreamsContainer } from '~containers/stream/room-mid-player';
import { CollectorContainer } from '~containers/board';
import { WhiteboardContainer } from '~containers/board';
import { FixedAspectRatioRootBox } from '~containers/root-box';
import { ChatWidgetPC } from '~containers/widget/chat-widget';
import { ExtensionAppContainer } from '~containers/extension-app-container';
import { ToastContainer } from '~containers/toast';
import { HandsUpContainer } from '~containers/hand-up';
import { SceneSwitch } from '~containers/scene-switch';
import { Award } from '../../containers/award';
import { BigWidgetWindowContainer } from '../../containers/big-widget-window';
import AgoraDemo from '../../containers/agora-demo';
export const MidClassScenario = observer(() => {
// The scenario layout
const layoutCls = classnames('edu-room', 'mid-class-room');
return (
{/* Here is the new business component */}
<FixedAspectRatioRootBox trackMargin={{ top: 27 }}>
<Layout className={layoutCls} direction="col">
<NavigationBarContainer />
<RoomMidStreamsContainer />
<Aside className="aisde-fixed">
<CollectorContainer />
<HandsUpContainer />
<ChatWidgetPC />
<DialogContainer />
<LoadingContainer />
<ExtensionAppContainer />
<ToastContainer />
<Award />
The effect of this business component in Flexible Classroom is as follows:
If you want to change the function and style of an existing business component, just find the folder of this component and edit the code to suit your needs. Below are several examples for your reference.
const Setting: React.FC<SettingProps> = observer(({className, ...restProps}) => {
const cls = classnames({
[`setting`]: 1,
[`${className}`]: !!className,
const {
deviceSettingUIStore: {cameraDevicesList},
} = useStore();
return (
<div className={cls} {...restProps} style={{width: 318}}>
<div className="device-choose">
display: "flex",
justifyContent: "space-between",
{/* Display the number of devices. The actual device number is the length of the camera list minus the default disable option. */}
{transI18n("")} The number of devices: {cameraDevicesList.length - 1}
<div style={{display: "flex"}}>
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
<CameraMirrorCheckBox />
<span className="beauty-desc" style={{marginLeft: 5}}>
<CameraSelect />
<div className="device-choose">
<div className="device-title">{transI18n("device.microphone")}</div>
<MicrophoneSelect />
<div className="device-choose">
<div className="device-title">{transI18n("device.speaker")}</div>
<PlaybackSelect />
To change the layout of a scenario, just edit the code of the scenario component.
The following example demonstrates how to move the position of the video and chat windows from the right side of the screen to the left. This is a cross-component adjustment. Therefore, you need to edit the parent container of these two components, which is the packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/ui-kit/capabilities/scenarios/1v1/index.tsx
import classnames from "classnames";
import {observer} from "mobx-react";
import {FC} from "react";
import {WhiteboardContainer} from "~containers/board";
import {DialogContainer} from "~containers/dialog";
import {LoadingContainer} from "~containers/loading";
import {NavigationBarContainer} from "~containers/nav";
import {Aside, Layout} from "~components/layout";
import {ScreenShareContainer} from "~containers/screen-share";
import {Room1v1StreamsContainer} from "~containers/stream/room-1v1-player";
import {ChatWidgetPC} from "~containers/widget/chat-widget";
import Room from "../room";
import {FixedAspectRatioRootBox} from "~containers/root-box/fixed-aspect-ratio";
import {ExtensionAppContainer} from "~containers/extension-app-container";
import {ToastContainer} from "~containers/toast";
import {CollectorContainer} from "~containers/board";
import {BigWidgetWindowContainer} from "../../containers/big-widget-window";
const Content: FC = ({children}) => {
return <div className="flex-grow">{children}</div>;
export const OneToOneScenario = observer(() => {
const layoutCls = classnames("edu-room");
return (
<FixedAspectRatioRootBox trackMargin={{top: 27}}>
<Layout className={layoutCls} direction="col">
<NavigationBarContainer />
<Layout className="horizontal">
<Aside className="aisde-fixed">
<CollectorContainer />
<Room1v1StreamsContainer />
<ChatWidgetPC />
<DialogContainer />
<LoadingContainer />
{/* <ExtAppContainer /> */}
<ExtensionAppContainer />
<ToastContainer />
import classnames from "classnames";
import {observer} from "mobx-react";
import {FC} from "react";
import {WhiteboardContainer} from "~containers/board";
import {DialogContainer} from "~containers/dialog";
import {LoadingContainer} from "~containers/loading";
import {NavigationBarContainer} from "~containers/nav";
import {Aside, Layout} from "~components/layout";
import {ScreenShareContainer} from "~containers/screen-share";
import {Room1v1StreamsContainer} from "~containers/stream/room-1v1-player";
import {ChatWidgetPC} from "~containers/widget/chat-widget";
import Room from "../room";
import {FixedAspectRatioRootBox} from "~containers/root-box/fixed-aspect-ratio";
import {ExtensionAppContainer} from "~containers/extension-app-container";
import {ToastContainer} from "~containers/toast";
import {CollectorContainer} from "~containers/board";
import {BigWidgetWindowContainer} from "../../containers/big-widget-window";
const Content: FC = ({children}) => {
return <div className="flex-grow">{children}</div>;
export const OneToOneScenario = observer(() => {
const layoutCls = classnames("edu-room");
return (
<FixedAspectRatioRootBox trackMargin={{top: 27}}>
<Layout className={layoutCls} direction="col">
<NavigationBarContainer />
<Layout className="horizontal">
/** Reorder Content and Aside. */
<Room1v1StreamsContainer />
<ChatWidgetPC />
<Aside className="aisde-fixed">
<CollectorContainer />
<DialogContainer />
<LoadingContainer />
{/* <ExtAppContainer /> */}
<ExtensionAppContainer />
<ToastContainer />
To add a logo to the right <Aside>
, implement a logo
component, and use the logo component as follows:
<Logo/> {/* The logo to be added */}
<Room1v1StreamsContainer />
<ChatWidgetPC />
A business component is composed of multiple function components and depends on UI stores. This section introduces how to edit the UI stores.
UI stores are located in packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/infra/stores
Folder | Description |
/common |
The common UI store for all scenarios |
/interactive |
The UI store for the Small Classroom scenario |
/lecture |
The UI store for the Lecture Hall scenario |
/lecture-h5 |
The UI store for the Lecture Hall scenario in H5 |
/one-on-one |
The UI store for the One-to-one Classroom scenario |
in /common
is the base class. You can extend this class and rewrite the UI stores for a specific scenario.
The following example shows how to customize the UI store for the Lecture Hall scenario:
import {EduClassroomStore} from "agora-edu-core";
import {EduClassroomUIStore} from "../common";
import {LectureBoardUIStore} from "./board-ui";
import {LectureRosterUIStore} from "./roster";
import {LectureRoomStreamUIStore} from "./stream-ui";
import {LectrueToolbarUIStore} from "./toolbar-ui";
import {LectureWidgetUIStore} from "./widget-ui";
export class EduLectureUIStore extends EduClassroomUIStore {
constructor(store: EduClassroomStore) {
this._streamUIStore = new LectureRoomStreamUIStore(store, this.shareUIStore); // Rewrite the stream UI store
this._rosterUIStore = new LectureRosterUIStore(store, this.shareUIStore); // Rewrite the roaster UI store
this._boardUIStore = new LectureBoardUIStore(store, this.shareUIStore); // Rewrite the whiteboard UI store
this._toolbarUIStore = new LectrueToolbarUIStore(store, this.shareUIStore); // Rewrite the toolbar UI store
this._widgetUIStore = new LectureWidgetUIStore(store, this.shareUIStore); // Rewrite the widget UI store
get streamUIStore() {
return this._streamUIStore as LectureRoomStreamUIStore;
get rosterUIStore() {
return this._rosterUIStore as LectureRosterUIStore;
get widgetUIStore() {
return this._widgetUIStore as LectureWidgetUIStore;
If you want to change the teaching tools of the student after the teacher gives the student permission in all scenarios, edit toolbar-ui.ts
in /common
. If you want to apply the above change to only one scenario, create a toolbar-ui.ts
file in the folder of this scenario and rewrite the relevant methods.
Taking One-to-one Classroom as an example, edit packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/infra/stores/one-on-one/toolbar-ui.ts
, as follows:
// packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/infra/stores/one-on-one/toolbar-ui.ts
// Extend the base class ToolbarUIStore
export class OneToOneToolbarUIStore extends ToolbarUIStore {
get teacherTools(): ToolbarItem[] {
// Get the teaching tools for the teacher
return [
value: 'clicker',
label: 'scaffold.clicker',
icon: 'select',
value: 'selection',
label: 'scaffold.selector',
icon: 'clicker',
value: 'pen',
label: 'scaffold.pencil',
icon: 'pen',
category: ToolbarItemCategory.PenPicker,
value: 'text',
label: 'scaffold.text',
icon: 'text',
value: 'eraser',
label: 'scaffold.eraser',
icon: 'eraser',
value: 'hand',
label: 'scaffold.move',
icon: 'hand',
value: 'cloud',
label: 'scaffold.cloud_storage',
icon: 'cloud',
value: 'tools',
label: '',
icon: 'tools',
category: ToolbarItemCategory.Cabinet,
get studentTools(): ToolbarItem[] {
// Get the teaching tools for the student
const { sessionInfo } = EduClassroomConfig.shared;
const whiteboardAuthorized = this.classroomStore.boardStore.grantUsers.has(
if (!whiteboardAuthorized) {
return [];
return [
value: 'clicker',
label: 'scaffold.clicker',
icon: 'select',
value: 'selection',
label: 'scaffold.selector',
icon: 'clicker',
value: 'pen',
label: 'scaffold.pencil',
icon: 'pen',
category: ToolbarItemCategory.PenPicker,
value: 'text',
label: 'scaffold.text',
icon: 'text',
value: 'eraser',
label: 'scaffold.eraser',
icon: 'eraser',
The above settings can override the teaching tools in /common
. The final effect is as follows:
By default, the toolbar of the video window appears floating below the video window. If you want to move the position of the toolbar to the left of the video window in the One-to-one Classroom scenario, you need to create a stream-ui.ts
in /one-on-one
and rewrite the toolbarPlacement
// packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/infra/stores/one-on-one/stream-ui.ts
import { computed } from 'mobx';
import { StreamUIStore } from '../common/stream';
export class OneToOneStreamUIStore extends StreamUIStore {
// override
@computed get toolbarPlacement(): 'bottom' | 'left' {
return 'left';
// The business component
const LocalStreamPlayerTools = observer(({ isFullScreen = true }: { isFullScreen?: boolean }) => {
const { streamUIStore } = useStore();
const { localStreamTools, toolbarPlacement, fullScreenToolTipPlacement } = streamUIStore;
return localStreamTools.length > 0 ? (
<div className={`video-player-tools`}>
{, key) => (
// The tooltip component. The placement property sets the position of the toolbar.
placement={isFullScreen ? fullScreenToolTipPlacement : toolbarPlacement}>
// hoverType={tool.hoverIconType}
onClick={tool.interactable ? tool.onClick : () => {}}
) : (
The changed user interface is as follows:
To change the background color of the classroom, edit packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/ui-kit/capabilities/containers/root-box/fixed-aspect-ratio.tsx
const FixedAspectRatioContainer: React.FC<FixedAspectRatioProps> = observer(
({children, minimumWidth = 0, minimumHeight = 0}) => {
const style = useClassroomStyle({minimumHeight, minimumWidth});
const {shareUIStore} = useStore();
return (
// You can use the tailwind class name
className="flex bg-black justify-center items-center h-screen w-screen"
// You can also set CSS properties
style={{backgroundColor: "red"}}>
<div style={style} className={`w-full h-full relative ${shareUIStore.classroomViewportClassName}`}>
To change the background color of the whiteboard, edit packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/ui-kit/capabilities/containers/board/index.tsx
.whiteboard {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
border: 1px solid #ececf1;
border-radius: 4px;
background: #000; /* Here we set the background color as black. */
To adjust the whiteboard layout, edit packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/infra/stores/common/board-ui.ts
. The height of the whiteboard is calculated based on heightRatio
and viewportHeight
. Then the width of whiteboard is set according to the aspect ratio of the whiteboard.
// packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/infra/stores/common/board-ui.ts
protected get uiOverrides() {
return {
heightRatio: 1,
aspectRatio: 9 / 16,
* Get the whiteboard height
* @returns
get boardHeight() {
const { roomType } = EduClassroomConfig.shared.sessionInfo;
const viewportHeight = this.shareUIStore.classroomViewportSize.height;
const height = this.uiOverrides.heightRatio * viewportHeight; // Calculate the height of the whiteboard
if (roomType === EduRoomTypeEnum.Room1v1Class) {
return height - this.shareUIStore.navBarHeight;
return height;
The above changes are applied to all scenarios. If you only want to change the height of the whiteboard in a the One-to-one Classroom scenario, create a board-ui.ts
file in packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/infra/stores/one-on-one
with the following code:
// packages/agora-classroom-sdk/src/infra/stores/one-on-one/board-ui.ts
import {BoardUIStore} from "../common/board-ui";
export class OneToOneBoardUIStore extends BoardUIStore {
protected get uiOverrides() {
return {
heightRatio: 1,
aspectRatio: 0.706,